Earlier on today, I knew conditions would be perfect to create a modern version of a "classic", so I took myself down to the beach with my trusty S5600, and it turned out to be a good call for me!
I took a similiar thing purely by accident with a Sony Macevia back in 2003, and it what gave me the photography bug.
Although it looks simple and you may think anyone can do that kind of thing, but it isn't as right now is the ONLY time this can be possible. This is where the winter sun is low enough at 11.30 am to shine right into the mouth of this tunnel. Then it has to be in perfect alignment with the SSW-facing tunnel month. And even then I needed a perfect clear day for it.
A very narrow window of opportunity in this one - and I got it! Very happy with this one - nice to be back into the zone again.
Sometimes it serves to look back as well as experiment with new stuff!