The annual Classic Car exhibition took place at The Leas today. Just like last year, the weather and lighting were spot on perfect for it, but this time I used my new Lumix FZ45.
Made use of the shaft of sunlight that beamed into my hobby room earlier on this afternoon. I have done this kind of thing before but I used my new D3100 on this one.
Night time long exposure photos of Radnor Park fun fair.
Tried to ...repeat and improve on last year's attempt but I do feel that it is no better as 1) Caravans, lorries, generators and vans blocked more of the view. 2) The rides weren't arranged that well photography-wise 3) None of the rides moved for ages as there were hardly anyone there and 4) It was cold, windy and wet.
I used my new Lumix TZ45 for this session. No adjustments has been carried out on the photos themselves.
The annual Donkey Derby took place at the town over the weekend.
Incidentally, the morning started off as being wet and windy and the event was threatened with cancellation . . . but then suddenly the sun came out on the moment and thus made for an excellent photography session.
Excellent lighting made for a very good photography day today.
The black cat being on the prowl is Chad. This is a rare moment as he doesn't like to stay out in the sun for too long (black fur and strong sunlight doesn't go well together).
My name is Ian D J and live at Folkestone, Kent. But, am I a professional cartoonist? Am I really a pro photographer? Do I get paid by the Met Office to provide weather forecasts? The answer to all three questions are actually no. Doodling, digital photography and meteorology are all things I do just for fun as well as keeping myself occupied, I've been doing all three favourite subjects for as long as I can remember where they all are completely self-taught.