Spotted while on a dawn stroll along East Cliff Sands.
The first image is a HDR composed of four different exposures. The second one came straight out of the camera using manual settings with no post-processing.
Saw that near-perfect 'bow from my hobby room window this morning as a cheeky shower passed by. Had to fit a cheap wide-angle lens onto my Lumix TZ45 in order to fit it all in, though.
Went on a long bike ride today seeing as it was so nice (as you could see at the bottom photo). I found a route that cuts through a wildlife park (don't worry, it was all fenced off so there was no danger of me being lunch for some hungry beast).
Today I went for a trip down memory lane as I rode over to my old street at Hythe - a few miles away from my current home.
I moved away from that street in 1983, and it is obvious that time has not been kind to it.
Interesting looking rippled stratocumulus. Usually caused by fast-moving warm and moist upper air "shearing" over less warm and drier surface air (a bit like sea water shearing over sand forming little dune ripples you see when the tide goes out).
By now, leaves should be turning shades of brown and lying on the ground - but a last minute heatwave with 29 C across Kent had kept things green and pleasant for longer this year.
Seems that our Autumns are becoming more like Summer!
My name is Ian D J and live at Folkestone, Kent. But, am I a professional cartoonist? Am I really a pro photographer? Do I get paid by the Met Office to provide weather forecasts? The answer to all three questions are actually no. Doodling, digital photography and meteorology are all things I do just for fun as well as keeping myself occupied, I've been doing all three favourite subjects for as long as I can remember where they all are completely self-taught.