Finally, after much deliberation, I got around to "scratch an itch" as I had a go at wire-wool spinning and light photography.
My sister and nephew Martin did all the running around while I stayed safely behind the camera.
All nine shots were taken at East Cliff Sands on the evening of 29th March '12.
Had fun with a friend's rabbit and her son's toy truck today.
UPDATE at 12th April: Just been informed by the owner of the two rabbits that the one in the second photo has just passed away. R.I.P. Apollo.
The settled spring-like weather and the soft hazy sunshine had enabled me to get this round of photos, all taken at Folkestone Harbour at mid-day today.
As seen from my west-facing hobby room window this evening at 6.30 pm.
At this time of the year, the sunset faces 100% dead onto the front of my house, from here on, the sun will set that little bit further towards the north west.
Taken on a rather cold evening yesterday. My cousin played in a charity football match and I was roped in being the official photographer.
Bear in mind this was taken with a budget D3100 and basic zoom lens, so the image quality aren't up there with the "pros", but considering the lighting and what I had to work with, I think I have done an admirable job!
A maintenance guy hard at work on the Folkestone Leas Lift. Actually, this photo was taken a couple of weeks ago, I had forgotten all about it until I looked at a memory card prior to formatting it.
My name is Ian D J and live at Folkestone, Kent. But, am I a professional cartoonist? Am I really a pro photographer? Do I get paid by the Met Office to provide weather forecasts? The answer to all three questions are actually no. Doodling, digital photography and meteorology are all things I do just for fun as well as keeping myself occupied, I've been doing all three favourite subjects for as long as I can remember where they all are completely self-taught.